Clack Water Softener 24″ x 69″ (76 GPM)

AquaProLLC water softener 76 GPM With Clack Control Valveare protected with shrewd innovation. The relative tenderizing inside them permits your conditioner to just recover portions of the gum bed that have effectively been depleted, which eventually decreases salt use. That, yet the programmed sidestep valve gives the comfort of bypassing the water conditioner from the actual conditioner, or the far off show. clack water softener 76 GPM are known to be more advantageous, and more efficient to work. You’ll feel astounding when utilizing keen innovation, particularly one that saves you 1000’s of gallons of water each year.


• Strong state microchip with simple access front board settings
• Three methods of activity; meter quick, meter deferred, or timeclock postponed
• Twofold discharge include offers ideal recovery, cleaning capacity, and proficiency
• 36 selectable pre-customized recovery cycles
• Days abrogate include; 1 ” 28 days accessible
• Discharge and tenderizing capacity to 22″ measurement tanks
• Downflow/upflow recovery

Aqua Pro Having Complete Water Solutions for Water Softener offers a full line of standard and fully-customizable water softening systems and offers comprehensive maintenance of your industrial, commercial, or municipal softener system…

Aqua Pro Water Softener Flow rate 76 Gallon Per Minutes (GPM) Up to 500 Gallon Per Minutes (GPM)

Water Softener Cabinet Type
Multi-Media Water Softener
Simplex Water Softener
Duplex Water Softener


Domestic Whole Houses
Industrial/domestic hot water systems Food industry
Window/car cleaning industry
Boiler feed water
Electronics industry
Chemical industry


AquaPro high quality simplex water softeners are suitable for commercial, private water supply, and large domestic application. We use the best 100% composite fiberglass vessels and superior softening resin – you will receive a complimentary 25L bag of Dow, Purolite or Indion resin with your order.